The Plan


BenebiciTM will be available for lease in select markets, with delivery in summer 2021.  We will offer limited production of the improved “beta” configuration featuring particular upgrades and user interface improvements to the prototype design presented here.  Please contact us at for details.  Even if the beta evaluation program is not suitable for your needs, we’d like to be in touch for the next opportunity to better serve you.

The Principles

Our company will be built around these core founding values:

Deliver lasting and convenient service life

Like other bikes, Benebici is designed to be maintained by owners and serviced when rarely needed by moderately skilled mechanics.  Though a gear-driven cycle transmission is unusual compared to conventional chains and sprockets, our design is purposefully simple, robust, and intuitive in function.  Thoughtful design and quality materials enable reliable operation in continuous outdoor use.  The modular assembly allows damaged parts to be conveniently swapped with factory parts.  Moderately skilled persons can perform repairs using common hand tools, with basic online video instruction if needed.  Obsolescence will never terminate service life.

Balance the cost of our product against the fair value it delivers

We live in a post-apocalyptic retail world where people are conditioned to expect cheap, low-tier products based on depressed foreign labor rates and foreign government subsidized capital.  High-value durable goods with key service and customization aspects often escape the vortex.  Motor vehicles exist in the latter category, but bikes teeter on the brink.  We must establish and maintain our brand firmly in the domain of durable transportation products, delivering goods and services of commensurate value.  Insofar as consumers may prefer alternatives to outright purchase, we will embrace alternative value delivery methods, whether direct or through third-party intermediaries, and structure our business accordingly.

Return investment to the communities from which it derives

Local consumption of local production is an idea associated with agricultural produce, but can apply more generally.  People everywhere can be skilled in a variety of commodity processes to manufacture goods.  It doesn’t require particular terrain, soil, or weather conditions, though vocational secondary and post-secondary training does help.  What it does require is committed intent from design development onwards.  We will decentralize labor and support functions under efficient management of modern IT, communications, and logistics capabilities.  Beyond “made in ___”, we will make our operations reflect the ubiquity of our brand.  The process is no less essential to the mission than the product.  We must cultivate and continuously reinforce a guiding managerial ethos to avoid losing our way in service to our communities’ benefit.

These principles are purposefully chosen to provide business services and physical products usefully accessible to our customers; human presence besides internet social media.  We must hear from, and respond to, the voices of our customers correctly, to guide our continuing mission.